It’s no secret that short-term rentals can be a great source of income. But have you ever thought about adding something extra to your rental that could help you stand out from the competition? If you’re looking for an easy and relatively inexpensive way to set your rental apart, consider adding musical instruments! Not only can they add an extra touch of fun and personality to your space, but they can also create an unforgettable experience for your guests.

The Benefits of Adding Musical Instruments to Your Short-Term Rental
Adding musical instruments to your short-term rental can be a great way to give guests something unique and fun during their stay. Here are just a few benefits of including musical instruments in your rental:
• Creates an enjoyable atmosphere: A well-placed guitar or keyboard can instantly transform a room from dull to dynamic. The presence of a musical instrument in the room will instantly create a more inviting and enjoyable atmosphere for both guests and hosts alike.
• Encourages guest engagement: Musical instruments are not only great for creating ambience, but they also provide guests with an opportunity to engage with the space in an entertaining way. Whether it’s trying out the piano or strumming away on the guitar, having access to some music making tools could encourage even more interaction between hosts and guests.
• Offers great marketing potential: Having musical instruments included in your listing is a great way to boost visibility as many potential guests may find this feature interesting enough to click through and check out what else you have on offer. This could open up opportunities for more bookings which would mean more income for you!
• Adds value without breaking the bank: Unlike other types of amenities like TVs or gaming consoles, adding musical instruments doesn’t have to cost too much money. Depending on what type of instrument you buy, it could be relatively inexpensive while still providing plenty of value!

Including musical instruments in your short-term rental is definitely worth considering if you want to stand out from the competition and provide your guests with a memorable experience. From enhancing ambiance to increasing visibility, there are plenty of benefits associated with adding musical instruments that make it worth considering this addition as part of your offering! Whether it’s a guitar, keyboard, or any other type of instrument, investing in some music making tools may just be the thing that takes your rental from good to great!